Trivia about the Camera Club of the Philippines
The Camera Club of the Philippines is an association of photography enthusiasts. It is the oldest continuing photographic society in the country, perhaps even in Asia. Founded on August 19, 1928, it existed without a break except for a brief period in 1942-46 because of the Japanese occupation.
The founders were Miguel J. Heras (a lawyer in the Shipping business), Manuel R. de Cartagena (a photo dealer), Vicente Mills (a government official in the Bureau of Lands), Federico Montes (a lithographer or printer), Luis Guzman (a professional photographer), Jose Mariano Ocampo (a property broker), Juan Mencarini (a linguist), and Bonifacio S. Araullo (a bank executive). They elected the last two as president and secretary, respectively, beginning an unbroken line of club officers interrupted only during the Second World War.
Competitions, photo excursions, photo sessions and fellowships – these are the main elements characterizing club activities from the very beginning until today, At present, the club holds regular meetings and photo contests once a month, and at least four times a year the members venture out in so-called on-the-spot competitions which could be as near as Chinatown in Manila and as far as Palawan in the western-most part of the Philippines. In the last three decades, the club has added more external and outgoing activities like publications, seminars, and exhibits in Metro Manila and elsewhere, twice outside of the country.
The members come from varying backgrounds, ages, levels and walks of life … businessmen, professionals, executives, employees … young, middle-aged, retired … hobbyists and professional photographers. Two bonds have kept them together these 75 years: friendship and a common love for photography.
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