Trivia about Philippine Birds III

Mountain Verditer-Flycatcher ( Eumyias panayensis )
Common in forest, it is popularly called “Lito-lito” in Pilipino. Forehead, lores and chin, deep black; feather bordering black, face bright verditer blue, rest of upperparts verditer blue; belly and undertail coverts white; wing and tail feathers dark grey edged in brighter verditer blue.

BlueRock-Thrush ( Monticola solitarius )
Common through most of the Philippines as a migrant but known to breed in Batan Island. It is called “Solitarigo” or “Tuwang-batang” in Pilipino.Upperparts, throat, breast and edges to tail feathers, slate blue; wings and tail black; belly, undertail and underwing covert chestnut.

(4 species of Flowerpeckers)


a. Palawan Flowerpecker ( Prionochilus plateni )
Common in all levels of the forest, and in gardens. Upperparts mostly dark blue; crown patch and breast patch, orange red; rump yellow; malar sripe and chin, white; throat, breast and belly yellow; under tail coverts yellowish white; and under wings coverts white.

b. Fire-Breasted Flowerpecker ( Dicaeum ignipectus )
These are small, fairly short medium thin bill birds, with upperparts, glossy dark blue green; sides ofhead and neck, dull black slightly glossed with blue green; chin white; throat and upper breast, scarlet; center ofbreast and belly pale yellow with black line down the middle; and under tail coverts yellow.

c. Cebu Flowerpecker (Dicaeum quadricolor)
These are small, chunky, short thick birds; upperparts, wings and tail, glossy blue black; lower back, greenish yellow flanks washed with olive.

d. Red-Keeled Flowerpecker ( Dicaeum australe )
Common in canopy of forests. It is called “Pipit” in Tagalog. These are small, relatively long curved bill birds, with black breast; upperparts, glossy blue black; chin and side of throat, white; broad scarlet stripe down center of breast and belly.

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