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How you can help PSHS continue to Make a Difference

Over the years, the PSHS Foundation has been tapping philanthropic individuals, businesses, socio – civic organizations, parents, and alumni here and abroad as sources of financial assistance. We continue to expect that the bulk of fresh funds will come from large organizations and established foundations with strong community outreach programs, especially those with focus on education such as your organization.

To enable the Philippine Science High School to continue with its unique and nation-critical mission, the PSHS Foundation requests for your organization,s kind and generous donation to the amount of P1 million.

By charter mandate, capital funds and endowments raised or solicited cannot be touched. Only the interest earnings from the investment of the Foundation's funds can be utilized for the various projects. Hence, a P1M donation, invested in long term securities, could easily yield a net annuity of P100,000.

That annual interest earning of P100,000 could cover any of the following:

It take a deep desire to improve our country, a burning hope to effect progress, and a solid commitment to help PSHS continue tobe the country's most prestigious secondary shool for the academically gifted.

  •  Full-year salary supplements in the form of research chairs for four deserving faculty members
  • Full-year salary supplements in the form of service chairs for eight deserving support personnel
  • Out-of-pocket expense support for 10-20 students'science or research projects
  • Funding for one teacher and two students' participation in two national-level science fair-competitions
  • Funding for one teacher and one student's participation in one Asia-based science fair-competition
  • Cash awards and incentives to four prize-winning science or math competition entries
  • Annual repair, maintenance or replacement of physics, chemistry, or biology laboratory equipment ' Two state-of-the-art desktop PCs with full DVD/CD-RW, Ethernet, modem, Firewire, USB support
  • Stipend supplement through the Godparent program for 10 – 20 students from very-low income households

As alternatives, your P1M donation could be pooled with other similar donations such that combined interest earned could be used to defray the one-time cost of any of the following:

  • lmprovements to the library such as an online database, magazine subscriptions, books, desks and chairs, PCs, etc.
  • Upgrade of the sports complex particularly the tennis and badminton courts, track repair, and gym completion
  • Renovation of the girls' and boys' dormitories (walls, floors, toilets and baths, bunk beds, cabinets, lighting, etc.) . Renovation of the cafeteria (kitchen upgrade, tables and chairs, ventjlation, food counters, etc.)
  • lmprovement of the classrooms (fans, lights, airconditioning, chairs, projection equipment, etc.) 
  • Building of new laboratories and research centers (robotics, geology, biomedical, structural, etc.)
  • Repairing and maintaining of general facilities (repainting, landscaping, carpentry, masonry, plumbing)
  • Wiring of the entire campus (LAN) and provision for broadband intranet capability plus Wi-Fi holspots
  • Defraying of tuition and a portion of living expenses for faculty on masteral or doctoral study leaves
  • Annual repair, maintenance or replacement of computer and telecommunications Iaboratory equipment
  • Funding for one adviser and one student's participation in a U.S.-based international science fair-competition
  • Full-year living allowance for a visiting professor-lecturer from another renowned science or technology school of another country

Even if the willingness is there, some potential donor organizations may be hard pressed to free up p1 million for donation because of current adverse business conditions. For fund-strapped organizations, we can accept a donation of P100,000. Ten of these P100,000 donations will then be pooled together to create a P1 million fund which can be used for the purposes stated previously. Naturally, when committed but funds-challenged donors come into better times, we hope that they can then make up the balance of the P1 million.



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