Trivia about Philippine Wild Ducks

Ducks are web-footed swimming birds in the family Anatidae, which also includes the goose and swan. It is distinguished from the goose and swan by its comparatively small size, short neck and legs, its somewhat flattened body and the sexes usually have a different plumage. In common with them, and with the flamingo, it has transverse, tooth-like ridges called lamellae, just inside the edges of the bill, for straining edible matter from mud or water. The numerous species of ducks occur throughout the world on fresh or salt waters and on many oceanic small islands.

Ducks do not need and will not use dropping boards or nests, and an open shed littered with straw. They feed on plants, seeds, grains, animal foodstuffs, milk and almost any type of feeding material found on a farm. Since ducks are rugged and are able to care for themselves, they do well on free range. Also, ducks can be successfully raised without water facilities for swimming. However, they breed most naturally when they have swimming facilities.

1. Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) – The mallard breeds in subarctic and temperate regions in different countries of the world. It is the ancestor of most domestic ducks and is one of the best known birds in the world. It is usually confused with domestic ducks in ricefields called “quack”.
2. Green-winged Teal (Anas crecca) – There are about fifteen species of teal distributed throuqhout the world. The best known is the green-winged teal which breeds in temperate regions in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a small, fast-flying, surface feeding duck. The male is a beautiful small, gray bird with a green patch on the chestnut-colored head, and a conspicuous, metallic-green patch on the wing. The female is brown speckled with a green wing patch. Uncommon in freshwater wetlands, usually in small groups.
3. Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula) – Uncommon in open water in deeper lakes and marshes. It is a diving duck and dives for food. It has a unique crests and high foreheads, and white bands in wings extending to first few primaries. Female ducks may have white at base bill and some white undertail, but white eye separates it from Baer’s Pochard.
4. Cotton Pygmy Goose (Nettapus coromandelianus) – Rare, in freshwater lakes and marshes. Feeds on the surface or by diving. Jumps from the water to take flight. Once thought to breed in the Philippines. It is a small sized duck, short bill and plumage are distinctive. It gives a cackling car-car-carawack or quack and weak quack.
5. Northern Pintail (Anas Acuta) – Uncommon in wetlands from marshes to lakes. Males are unmistakable with long thin neck, brown head with white stripe up neck. Female ducks are surface-feeding and has greenish-brown speculum with white trailing edge, long slender neck and longer more pointed tail.
6. Common Shellduck (Tadorna tadorna) – Numerous species of shell duck are widely distributed in temperate and tropical regions of the world. It is a large surface-feeding duck, sometimes known as a Sheldrake. Common shellducks are found in estuaries and fishponds
7. Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata) –  All shovelers have a large, shovel-like bill. Uncommon in freshwater marshes and shallow lakes, in pairs or small groups often with other ducks. It has a distinctive large bill which gives a .top heavy look and is best field mark for female. Females are also noted with brown belly and give a typical Mallard-like quack look. Males have white breast and chestnut flanks and belly. Males are silent when not breeding.
8. Greater Scaup (Aythya Marila) – Usually found in brackish and saltwater bays and estuaries but also in freshwater lakes. It has rounded head and large and broad bill. White in wing extends well into primaries. Male has black front and rear, separated by grey back and white sides is indicative or diagnostic. Females are well-defined white face that differs from female tufted ducks.


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