Category: Animals & Plants

Trivia about Philippine Marine Turtles

The United Nations has declared 2006 the Year of the Turtle in an effort to save the gentle species. Twenty-five countries in the Indian Ocean Southeast Asian (IOSEA) region, including the Philippines, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dedicating 2006 to the protection of sea turtles, locally known as pawikan.

Trivia about Butterflies VII

Butterflies are not only an important order of insects confronting nature lovers, collectors and scientists with innumerable unsolved problems, neither are they dangerous pests threatening man’s economy with great financial losses. Butterflies are frequently his friends in the struggle to achieve harvest and, if he takes the trouble to look closely, are often creatures of unexpected beauty: the colors and forms of these living jewels are magnificent. It will require more that ordinary skill for an artist to reproduce the metallic shimmer of gloss sheen seen in some of the tropical winged jewels. The satisfaction, excitement and delight of the nature lover or the collector who discovers the rare species which has eluded him, is beyond description.... Read More | Share it now!

Trivia about Butterflies VI

A veritable paradise for butterfly collectors and nature-lovers, the PHILIPPINES is home to all the families of Rhopalocera (butterfly) in the Indo-Australian region. Be one a collector, a nature-lover, a scientist…. in pursuit of his calling or a captive adventurer driven by the spirit of chase, one will encounter, to his satisfaction and delight, the numerous species found throughout the archipelago.

Trivia about Butterflies V

A veritable paradise for butterfly collectors and nature-lovers, the PHILIPPINES is home to all the families of Rhopalocera (butterfly) in the Indo-Australian region. Be one a collector, a nature-lover, a scientist…. in pursuit of his calling or a captive adventurer driven by the spirit of chase, one will encounter, to his satisfaction and delight, the numerous species found throughout the archipelago.

Trivia about the Year of the Dog

The Chinese animal signs are a 12-year cycle used for dating the year. They represent a cyclical concept of time, rather than the western linear concept. The Chinese Lunar Calendar is based on the cycles of the month, and is constructed in a different fashion than the western solar calendar. It is the longest chronological record in history, dating from 2600 B.C., when Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first cycle of the zodiac.

Trivia about Butterflies IV

A veritable paradise for butterfly collectors and nature-lovers, the PHILIPPINES is home to all the families of Rhopalocera (butterfly) in the Indo-Australian region. Be one a collector, a nature-lover, a scientist…. in pursuit of his calling or a captive adventurer driven by the spirit of chase, one will encounter, to his satisfaction and delight, the numerous species found throughout the archipelago.

Trivia about Butterflies III

Butterflies are not only an important order of insects confronting nature lovers, collectors and scientists with innumerable unsolved problems, neither are they dangerous pests threatening man's economy with great financial losses.

Trivia about Butterflies II

Butterflies are not only an important order of insects confronting nature lovers, collectors and scientists with innumerable unsolved problems, neither are they dangerous pests threatening man’s economy with great financial losses.

Trivia about Butterflies I

Butterflies fascinate nature-lovers and experts alike. People of all ages around the world enjoy writing essays and poems, photographing them and even pursuing them. Stories, tales, dreams, traditions and myths refer to butterflies as symbols of happiness, death, freedom and the flights of fancy.