Trivia about the Alpa Phi Beta Fraternity
The Alpha Phi Beta Fraternity of the University of the Philippines College of Law was founded in October 1939 by a group of campus intellectuals and political leaders of diverted persuasions. In 1966 the Alpha Beta Alumni Association, Inc. was formally established and incorporate with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The founding Brother were Arturo B. Atienza, Antonio L. Azores. Benedicto C. Balderama, Renato E. Constantino, Macario Cruz, Bienvenido C. Ejercito. Florenci_o B- Florendo, A4lqlo R. Garcia. .l,eandro v. lnfantado. Elias Laxadia, Rustico V. Nazareno, Rasendo J. Naval, Francisco S. Sumulong. Gerardo Floseco. Manuel Vijungco. Jose Villacorta, Manuel Vista, Jr., Exequiel M. Zaballero. Jr. Prof. Ambrosio B. Padilla was the charter adviser of the fraternity.
Admission to the Roll of Lords entailed aspiring members who had the potential to rise above intellectual and political leadership. Whereas the Brotherhood welcomed those who wanted to share the fraternal bond and the objectives with which it was founded. aspirant had to weave themselves into the fabrics of campus and a broader national relevance. The founders adopted a thundering guideline, “We shall dot be saved without wisdom for though knowledge is power, only wisdom is liberty!”
Hence the Fraternity recruited the best mild’s in’the campus and maintained the quality of its recruits. The growing Fraternity decided that the voice of the mandate bestowed by the mantle of leadership should not only be heard inside the U. P. campus but als6 on a national scale.
After World War II. the-Fraternity was reactivated by founding Brothers Adriano Garcia, Artuci Atienza, Renato Constantino, Bienvenido Eiercito. and Benadicto Valderrama. lhey 4ls-o formed the Board of Editors of the 194246 Philippinesian. And brother Adriano Garcia. as President of the University Student Council, headed the editorial board of the fist post-war Phihpprnesian.
Throbbed the years, the-Fraternity has never waived its policy’of emphasize scholarship and academic qualifications. The roll of editors at the Philippine Collegian, Philippine La* Journal, Philippinesian, anal Philippine Law Register wis reDlete with Afphans. Since the 1940’s. Alohans have been consistently in the Top l0 of the Annual Bar Examinations. The Order of the Loid Chancelloi and the Fraternity Roll of Lords contdin some of the more distinguished names in Philippine Government and to name a few: Chief Justice Reynato Puno, Associate Justice Leonardo Quisumbine. former Associaie Justices Abraham Saimiento, Abdul Wahid Bidin. and Hugo Gutierrez of the Supreme Court; Senator Francis Escuilero, former Senators Heherson Alvarez and Jose Lina. former Consressmen Edcel Lasmai and Dante Liban.
The survival of the Fraternity at the U.P. campus no-w rests on the shouJders of resident Brothers. They have to provide the well of talents to ensure that the Fraternity survives as a relevant factor on campus, apply the reservoir of talent that will make’it a continuing factor in national affairs, and make certain that tbe bonor of the Fraternitv is unsulliecl bv failur6 in responsibility. In forging ahead. all fraternal brothers ha”ve only one thoirght to carry our: “Havin! achieved professional excellence, they have to survive even harder to become even better professionals!”
Stamps and Official^First Day Covers will be available starting October 17,2009 at the Philatelic Service, Door 203, Liwasang Bonifacio, 1000 Manila and a1 all Regional Offices of the Philippine Postal Corporation.
Stamps featuring the 70th anniversary of the Alpa Phi Beta Fratemity
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