Author: Admin

Trivia about Butterflies II

Butterflies are not only an important order of insects confronting nature lovers, collectors and scientists with innumerable unsolved problems, neither are they dangerous pests threatening man’s economy with great financial losses.

Trivia about the Native Philippine Orchids X

Cymbidium finlaysonianum
Cymbidium finlaysonianum is a very large plant, growing in big clumps. The pseudobulbs are about 7 cm long and hidden by the (about) five leaves they bear’ The stiff, fleshy leaves can grow up to 80 cm long and 4 cm wide. The pendent, loosely many-flowered inflorescence can reach more than 1 20 cm in length The fleshy flowers are up to 6 cm across. The fleshy three-lobed lip bears two thick keels on its mid-lobe; the lateral lobes are large. The pollinarium consists of two slit pollinia with stipes.

Phalaenopsis schilleriana ... Read More | Share it now!

Trivia about Native Philippine Orchids VI

Sanggumay – Dendrobium superbum (P50.00) – The leaves of this specie are fleshy, glossy-green, oblong-Ianceolate, acutish up to 5″ long, flattened and borne in two (2) ranks. Inflorescences are usually 2 flowered, almost stalkless, borne on the leafless pseudobulbs. Flowers vary in colour, the typical phase with mauve-purple sepals and petals. The lip has 2 deep purple blotches in the throat, the flaring part of which is veined with deeper purple. Flowers are extremely fragrant.
Lady’s Slipper – Paphiopedilum argus – (P75.00) – The leaves grow up to 7″ long and 1 1/2 wide with the upper side chequered with light spots. Scape consists of one flower that grows up to 15″ tall. The dorsal sepal is white except for the darker base, with green and brown longitudinal nerves of unequal lengths, very broadly ovate and sharp-pointed. Flowers are about 4″ in diameter. The petals are sharply turned downwards, while the base is pale and red near the apices which is furnished with many black-purple warts, ligulate and acutish. The lip is broad, dark brown-purple. The lower side of the lip is paler and veined with light green. Bloom in spring to early summer.

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